Live Music for Silent Music
Praeludium (Šostakovič: arrivando al cinema)
Look (Justine Klaiber/Jane Mumford, 2012)
Interludium 1 (Šostakovič: ascoltando)
Anamorphosis (oppure De Artificiali Perspectiva, Quay Brothers, 1991)
Interludium 2 (Šostakovič: Hamlet, 1964)
Tongue of the Hidden (David Anderson / Florian Ghibert / Jila Peacock, 2007)
Interludium 3 (Shostakovich: Odna, 1931)
Entr’acte (René Clair, 1924)
Interludium 4 (Šostakovič: Cheryomushki, 1963)
La clé des champs (Claude Nuridsany, Marie Pérennou, 2011)
Postludium (Šostakovič: viaggiando nel treno)