The Power
of sound
Sounding stone instruments combined with seemingly well-known instruments. The alphabet consists of Orgalitho, Fender-Rhodes, lithophone, stone gongs, quarter-tone clavinet, stone tables, stone chimes, handstones, sine wave generator, gongs, drum set, midi keyboard and an almost inexhaustible smorgasbord of larger and smaller sound generators.
The Stone Alphabet is characterized by great sound awareness and a power arising from silence. Often it is the simple, calm and subtle moods, colors and textures that make up the fascination and uniqueness of their music and reveal new listening experiences. Their compositions are created collectively. The result are fantastic sound stories, pointed statements and often an almost pictorial lyricism.
The Stone
Alphabet are:
Dominik Dolega, Lithophone & Percussion
Mathias Steinauer, Keyboards
Felix Perret, Lithophone & Percussion
Matthias Brodbeck, Lithophone & Percussion
+ guests:
Sebastian Strinning, Saxophone, Bassclarinet
Beat Unternährer: Trombone
Katrin Bethge: Light Installation